




bool parseDTTitleBar(const CString & filePath)
const auto titleBar = parseFile(filePath, titleBarSection[0]);
const auto splitTitleBar = splitProfileString(titleBar);
for (auto& item : splitTitleBar)
auto vec = item.second;
+ if (!vec.empty() && vec.size() == 10)
titleBarDefItems_.emplace_back(item.first, vec[0], vec[1], _ttof(vec[5]), _ttof(vec[6]), _ttof(vec[7]), vec[4], _ttof(vec[2]), _ttof(vec[3]), vec[8], vec[9]);

if (titleBarDefItems_.empty())
return false;

return true;

本例中我去实例化一个对象,但使用的方式是直接选取 vec 元素没有增加数量判断。倘若 vec 只有 6 个元素但代码中却取到了 vec[9] 就会导致崩溃。



#pragma once

#include "jsoncpp/value.h"
#include "EditableListCtrl.h"
-#include "AbstractDetailsCreator.h"

// DlgCvtMain 对话框

#include <vector>

class DataRow;
class AbstractPaperSelector;
class PaperCreator;
class PaperSizeDefinition;
+class AbstractDetailsCreator;

#include 所做的就是将整个代码复制过来,而这里我们并不关心 AbstractDetailsCreator 具体如何是什么,只需要知道有这样一个类型存在即可,这时就可以用前置声明而非引入整个头文件。

从代码编写的优雅程度来讲这样也会让阅读代码更加容易,不会因为引入过多无关头文件而一头雾水。前置声明最大的好处在于避免编译膨胀,一个优秀的 CPP 代码应该只包含它的最小代码集合。

实体的 XData 读取

自己经常忘记如何读取实体的 XData,特此记录:

AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbText> text(textId);
if (text.openStatus() != eOk) continue;

const auto xData = text->xDataPtr(TitleTextAppName);
if (xData.isNull() || xData->next().isNull() || xData->next()->restype() != OdResBuf::kDxfXdAsciiString)

CString itemName = xData->next()->getString();

获取链表后根据所需类型选择相应 get 函数即可。



  1. 获取当前图纸中图框所在的组
  2. 以国标为例需要根据装订线有无确定平移所需的偏移量
  3. 遍历组进行平移操作
AcDbDictionaryPointer dict(acdbCurDwg()->groupDictionaryId(), kForRead);
if (dict.openStatus() != eOk) return;

AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbGroup> paperGroup;
if (dict->getAt(_T("PAPERGROUP"), (AcDbGroup*&)paperGroup, kForRead) != Acad::eOk) return;

AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbGroup> group(paperGroup->objectId(), kForRead);
if (group.openStatus() != eOk) return;

AcGeMatrix3d mat;
double xOffset = 0.0, yOffset = 0.0;
if (g_paper.bZhuangding)
xOffset = g_paper.a;
yOffset = g_paper.c;
xOffset = yOffset = g_paper.e;

AcGeVector3d transVec(xOffset, yOffset, 0);

unique_ptr<AcDbGroupIterator> groupIter(group->newIterator());
if (groupIter == nullptr) return;

for (; !groupIter->done(); groupIter->next())
// 从组中获取块引用
AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbBlockReference> blkRef(groupIter->objectId(), kForWrite);
if (blkRef.openStatus() != eOk) continue;




AcDbObjectId idEnt;
if (acdbGetObjectId(idEnt, entIns) == Acad::eOk)
AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbBlockReference> pEntity(idEnt, AcDb::kForWrite);
if (pEntity.openStatus() == Acad::eOk)
- AcGeMatrix3d matrix;
- matrix.setToScaling(scale);
- pEntity->transformBy(matrix);

+ pEntity->setScaleFactors({ scale, scale, scale });

重写读取 .ini 文件函数


业务场景需要读取下面的 .def 配置文件:






main= 主标题栏; DTTitleBar; 185; 63; IRB; 0; 0; 0; bkt-1en_main.dwg;
lb= 副标题栏签字; DTTitleBar; 20; 287; ILB; 0; 0; 0; bkt-1en_lb.dwg; A3:0.75,A4:0.5,A4+:0.75
lt= 副标题栏图样代码; DTTitleBar; 137; 21; ILT; 0; 0; 0; bkt-1_lt.dwg;

IRB001 = 图样代码; 5; IRB; -60; 47.5; 0; MC; 120; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB002 = 中文名称; 5; IRB; -85; 33.75; 0; MC; 70; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB003 = 中文材料; 5; IRB; -85; 11.25; 0; MC; 70; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB004_ZhiLiang = 质量; 4; IRB; -26.5; 27.5; 0; MC; 17; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB005_BiLi = 比例; 4; IRB; -9; 27.5; 0; MC; 18; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB006 = 共张; 3.5; IRB; -15; 17.5; 0; MC; 30; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB007 = 第张; 3.5; IRB; -40; 17.5; 0; MC; 20; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB008_TuFu = 图幅; 4; IRB; -3.5; -2.5; 0; MC; 7; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB009 = 俄文名称; 5; IRB; -85; 21.25; 0; MC; 70; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB010 = 俄文材料; 5; IRB; -85; 3.75; 0; MC; 70; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB011 = 订货号; 4; IRB; -60; 59; 0; MC; 120; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB012 = 识别符号1; 4; IRB; -47.5; 27.5; 0; MC; 5; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB013 = 识别符号2; 4; IRB; -42.5; 27.5; 0; MC; 5; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB014 = 识别符号3; 4; IRB; -37.5; 27.5; 0; MC; 5; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB015 = 复印人员; 3.5; IRB; -70; -2.5; 0; ML; 30; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;

ILB001 = (左)国家标准登记号; 4; ILB; 8.5; 12.5; 90; MC; 25; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;
ILB002 = (左)签名和日期1; 4; ILB; 8.5; 42.5; 90; MC; 35; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;
ILB003 = (左)替代正本号; 4; ILB; 8.5; 72.5; 90; MC; 25; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;
ILB004 = (左)副本登记号; 4; ILB; 8.5; 97.5; 90; MC; 25; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;
ILB005 = (左)签名和日期2; 4; ILB; 8.5; 127.5; 90; MC; 35; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;
ILB006 = (左)替代文件代号; 4; ILB; 8.5; 197; 90; MC; 60; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;
ILB007 = (左)相应文件代号; 4; ILB; 8.5; 257; 90; MC; 60; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;

ILT001 = (上)专利编号; 3; ILT; 35; -17.5; 0; MC; 70; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lt; ;
ILT002 = (上)订货号标记; 3; ILT; 77; -7; 0; MC; 14; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lt; ;
ILT003 = (上)相应文件决议编号和批准年份; 3; ILT; 110.5; -3.5; 0; MC; 53; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lt; ;
ILT004 = (上)本文件决议编号和批准年份; 3; ILT; 110.5; -10.5; 0; MC; 53; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lt; ;

IRB101 = 更改区域1____; 3; IRB; -195; 37.5; 0; MC; 20; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB102 = 变更序号1; 3; IRB; -181.5; 37.5; 0; MC; 7; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB103 = 变更页码1; 3; IRB; -173; 37.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB104 = 通知单号1; 3; IRB; -156.5; 37.5; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB105 = 签名1; 3; IRB; -137.5; 37.5; 0; MC; 15; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB106 = 日期1; 3; IRB; -125; 37.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;

IRB107 = 更改区域2____; 3; IRB; -195; 42.5; 0; MC; 20; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB108 = 变更序号2; 3; IRB; -181.5; 42.5; 0; MC; 7; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB109 = 变更页码2; 3; IRB; -173; 42.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB110 = 通知单号2; 3; IRB; -156.5; 42.5; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB111 = 签名2; 3; IRB; -137.5; 42.5; 0; MC; 15; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB112 = 日期2; 3; IRB; -125; 42.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;

IRB113 = 更改区域3____; 3; IRB; -195; 47.5; 0; MC; 20; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB114 = 变更序号3; 3; IRB; -181.5; 47.5; 0; MC; 7; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB115 = 变更页码3; 3; IRB; -173; 47.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB116 = 通知单号3; 3; IRB; -156.5; 47.5; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB117 = 签名3; 3; IRB; -137.5; 47.5; 0; MC; 15; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB118 = 日期3; 3; IRB; -125; 47.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;

IRB119 = 更改区域4____; 3; IRB; -195; 52.5; 0; MC; 20; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB120 = 变更序号4; 3; IRB; -181.5; 52.5; 0; MC; 7; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB121 = 变更页码4; 3; IRB; -173; 52.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB122 = 通知单号4; 3; IRB; -156.5; 52.5; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB123 = 签名4; 3; IRB; -137.5; 52.5; 0; MC; 15; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB124 = 日期4; 3; IRB; -125; 52.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;

IRB125=设计-文件数量; 3; IRB; -156.5; 27.5 ; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB126=审核-文件数量; 3; IRB; -156.5; 22.5 ; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB127=主任设计-文件数量; 3; IRB; -156.5; 17.5 ; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB128=工艺-文件数量; 3; IRB; -156.5; 12.5 ; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB129=标准化-文件数量; 3; IRB; -156.5; 7.5 ; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB130=批准-文件数量; 3; IRB; -156.5; 2.5 ; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;

tydmfz = 图样代码; 3; ILT; 35; -7; 180; MC; 70; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lt; ;IRB001

bomHeader= 主明细栏; DTBOMHeader; 185; 10; IRB; 0; 0; 0; bkt-1en_bh.dwg;
bomTextBlock= 明细文字框; DTBOMTextBlock; 185; 7; IRB; 0; 0; 0; btb_w185h7.dwg;
bomTextBlockExt= 明细文字框扩展; DTBOMTextBlock; 185; 10; IRB; 0; 0; 0; btb_w185h10.dwg;

BOM001 = 序号; 3.5; IRB; -178.5; 5; 0; MC; 13; STR; 0; 11; Standard; bomHeader; ;
BOM002 = 代码; 3.5; IRB; -171; 5; 0; ML; 25; STR; 0; 11; Standard; bomHeader; ;
BOM003 = 代号; 3.5; IRB; -146; 5; 0; ML; 30; STR; 0; 11; Standard; bomHeader; ;
BOM004 = 名称; 3.5; IRB; -116; 0; 0; ML; 35; STR; 0; 11; Standard; bomHeader; ;
BOM005 = 数量; 3.5; IRB; -81; 5; 0; ML; 8; STR; 0; 11; Standard; bomHeader; ;
BOM006 = 材料; 3.5; IRB; -73; 5; 0; ML; 35; STR; 0; 11; Standard; bomHeader; ;
BOM007 = 单件; 3.5; IRB; -38; 5; 0; ML; 12; STR; 0; 11; Standard; bomHeader; ;
BOM008 = 总计; 3.5; IRB; -26; 5; 0; ML; 12; STR; 0; 11; Standard; bomHeader; ;
BOM009 = 附注; 3.5; IRB; -14; 5; 0; ML; 15; STR; 0; 11; Standard; bomHeader; ;

EXT001 = 外文名称; 3.5; IRB; -116; 100; 0; ML; 35; STR; 0; 11; Standard; bomHeader; ;
EXT002 = 外文材料; 3.5; IRB; -73; 100; 0; ML; 35; STR; 0; 11; Standard; bomHeader; ;



.ini 文件结构

我之前遇到的大部分配置文件的类型都是 .xml 或者 .josn(现在网络端也是这两者使用比较多,属于通用的配置文件类型了),面对 .ini 文件还是比较陌生。 这里引用简书一位博主的 ini文件格式和读取

ini 就是英文 “initialization” 的头三个字母的缩写,当然 INI file 的后缀名也不一定是 .ini,也可以是 .cfg.conf 或者是 .txt

ini 文件的格式很简单,最基本的三个要素是:parameterssectionscomments


ini 所包含的最基本的”元素”就是 parameter,每一个 parameter 都有一个 name 和一个 value,如下所示:

name = value

所有的 parameters 都是以 sections 为单位结合在一起的。所有的 section 名称都是独占一行,并且 sections 名字都被方括号包围着([ section's name ])。

section 声明后的所有 parameters 都是属于该 section。对于一个 section 没有明显的结束标志符,一个 section 的开始就是上一个 section 的结束,或者是 end of the file。 section 如下所示:


在 ini 文件中注释语句是以分号 ; 开始的。所有的所有的注释语句不管多长都是独占一行直到结束的。在分号和行结束符之间的所有内容都是被忽略的。


项目的工具类中有之前写好的读取 .ini 配置文件函数:

// 从指定配置文件中读取指定段,指定属性的内容
CString IM_PUBLIC_FUNCTION_ IM_GetConfigFileValue ( CString szFileName , CString szSegName , CString szKeyName , CString szDefault = _T("") , int nMaxLength = 512 ) ;
// 向指定配置文件中写入指定段,指定属性的内容
BOOL IM_PUBLIC_FUNCTION_ IM_SetConfigFileValue ( CString szFileName , CString szSegName , CString szKeyName , CString szValue ) ;

#define WritePrivateProfileInt IM_WritePrivateProfileInt
BOOL IM_PUBLIC_FUNCTION_ IM_WritePrivateProfileInt ( LPCTSTR lpAppName , LPCTSTR lpKeyName , int nValue , LPCTSTR lpFileName ) ;

CString IM_PUBLIC_FUNCTION_ IM_GetPrivateProfileString ( LPCTSTR lpAppName, LPCTSTR lpKeyName, LPCTSTR lpDefault, LPCTSTR lpFileName , DWORD lMaxSize = 256 ) ;

void IM_PUBLIC_FUNCTION_ IM_GetPrivateProfileSectionMap( CString szAppName, CString szFilePath, map<CString,CString>& mapValue ) ;
// 获取配置文件中所有的段名
void IM_PUBLIC_FUNCTION_ IM_GetPrivateProfileAppNames(const CString &szFilePath, CStringArray &szAppNames);
CString IM_PUBLIC_FUNCTION_ IM_GetSystemSettingProfile () ;

这些函数的实现则是依赖于底层 Windows 提供的 API 接口

而在具体实践中,由于业务场景中 .ini 文件的 parametersvalue 值过长,导致读取的时候出现遗漏的情况(下面以读取 [DTTitleBarText] 为例):

std::map<CString, CString> resultMap;
IM_GetPrivateProfileSectionMap(L"DTTitleBarText", filePath, resultMap);

得到的 resultMap 则是缺失了一部分:

IRB001 = 图样代码; 5; IRB; -60; 47.5; 0; MC; 120; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB002 = 中文名称; 5; IRB; -85; 33.75; 0; MC; 70; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB003 = 中文材料; 5; IRB; -85; 11.25; 0; MC; 70; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB004_ZhiLiang = 质量; 4; IRB; -26.5; 27.5; 0; MC; 17; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB005_BiLi = 比例; 4; IRB; -9; 27.5; 0; MC; 18; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB006 = 共张; 3.5; IRB; -15; 17.5; 0; MC; 30; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB007 = 第张; 3.5; IRB; -40; 17.5; 0; MC; 20; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB008_TuFu = 图幅; 4; IRB; -3.5; -2.5; 0; MC; 7; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB009 = 俄文名称; 5; IRB; -85; 21.25; 0; MC; 70; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB010 = 俄文材料; 5; IRB; -85; 3.75; 0; MC; 70; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB011 = 订货号; 4; IRB; -60; 59; 0; MC; 120; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB012 = 识别符号1; 4; IRB; -47.5; 27.5; 0; MC; 5; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB013 = 识别符号2; 4; IRB; -42.5; 27.5; 0; MC; 5; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB014 = 识别符号3; 4; IRB; -37.5; 27.5; 0; MC; 5; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
IRB015 = 复印人员; 3.5; IRB; -70; -2.5; 0; ML; 30; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;

ILB001 = (左)国家标准登记号; 4; ILB; 8.5; 12.5; 90; MC; 25; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;
ILB002 = (左)签名和日期1; 4; ILB; 8.5; 42.5; 90; MC; 35; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;
ILB003 = (左)替代正本号; 4; ILB; 8.5; 72.5; 90; MC; 25; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;
ILB004 = (左)副本登记号; 4; ILB; 8.5; 97.5; 90; MC; 25; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;
ILB005 = (左)签名和日期2; 4; ILB; 8.5; 127.5; 90; MC; 35; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;
ILB006 = (左)替代文件代号; 4; ILB; 8.5; 197; 90; MC; 60; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;
ILB007 = (左)相应文件代号; 4; ILB; 8.5; 257; 90; MC; 60; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lb; ;

ILT001 = (上)专利编号; 3; ILT; 35; -17.5; 0; MC; 70; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lt; ;
-ILT002 = (上)订货号标记; 3; ILT; 77; -7; 0; MC; 14; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lt; ;
-ILT003 = (上)相应文件决议编号和批准年份; 3; ILT; 110.5; -3.5; 0; MC; 53; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lt; ;
-ILT004 = (上)本文件决议编号和批准年份; 3; ILT; 110.5; -10.5; 0; MC; 53; STR; 0; 11; Standard; lt; ;

-IRB101 = 更改区域1____; 3; IRB; -195; 37.5; 0; MC; 20; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB102 = 变更序号1; 3; IRB; -181.5; 37.5; 0; MC; 7; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB103 = 变更页码1; 3; IRB; -173; 37.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB104 = 通知单号1; 3; IRB; -156.5; 37.5; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB105 = 签名1; 3; IRB; -137.5; 37.5; 0; MC; 15; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB106 = 日期1; 3; IRB; -125; 37.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;

-IRB107 = 更改区域2____; 3; IRB; -195; 42.5; 0; MC; 20; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB108 = 变更序号2; 3; IRB; -181.5; 42.5; 0; MC; 7; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB109 = 变更页码2; 3; IRB; -173; 42.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB110 = 通知单号2; 3; IRB; -156.5; 42.5; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB111 = 签名2; 3; IRB; -137.5; 42.5; 0; MC; 15; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB112 = 日期2; 3; IRB; -125; 42.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;

-IRB113 = 更改区域3____; 3; IRB; -195; 47.5; 0; MC; 20; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB114 = 变更序号3; 3; IRB; -181.5; 47.5; 0; MC; 7; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB115 = 变更页码3; 3; IRB; -173; 47.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB116 = 通知单号3; 3; IRB; -156.5; 47.5; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB117 = 签名3; 3; IRB; -137.5; 47.5; 0; MC; 15; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB118 = 日期3; 3; IRB; -125; 47.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;

-IRB119 = 更改区域4____; 3; IRB; -195; 52.5; 0; MC; 20; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB120 = 变更序号4; 3; IRB; -181.5; 52.5; 0; MC; 7; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB121 = 变更页码4; 3; IRB; -173; 52.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB122 = 通知单号4; 3; IRB; -156.5; 52.5; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB123 = 签名4; 3; IRB; -137.5; 52.5; 0; MC; 15; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB124 = 日期4; 3; IRB; -125; 52.5; 0; MC; 10; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;

-IRB125=设计-文件数量; 3; IRB; -156.5; 27.5 ; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB126=审核-文件数量; 3; IRB; -156.5; 22.5 ; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB127=主任设计-文件数量; 3; IRB; -156.5; 17.5 ; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB128=工艺-文件数量; 3; IRB; -156.5; 12.5 ; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB129=标准化-文件数量; 3; IRB; -156.5; 7.5 ; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;
-IRB130=批准-文件数量; 3; IRB; -156.5; 2.5 ; 0; MC; 23; STR; 0; 11; Standard; main; ;


GetPrivateProfileSection function

DWORD GetPrivateProfileSection(
[in] LPCTSTR lpAppName,
[out] LPTSTR lpReturnedString,
[in] DWORD nSize,
[in] LPCTSTR lpFileName
  • [in] lpAppName
    The name of the section in the initialization file.

  • [out] lpReturnedString
    A pointer to a buffer that receives the key name and value pairs associated with the named section. The buffer is filled with one or more null-terminated strings; the last string is followed by a second null character.

  • [in] nSize
    The size of the buffer pointed to by the lpReturnedString parameter, in characters.
    The maximum profile section size is 32,767 characters.

  • [in] lpFileName
    The name of the initialization file. If this parameter does not contain a full path to the file, the system searches for the file in the Windows directory.

这里比较关键的地方就是这个 nSize,可以看到它是通过一个缓冲区大小的参数设定读取的缓冲区大小,最大可以设置为 32,767 字节。经过周工排查 IM_GetPrivateProfileSectionMap 的缓冲区为 2k 左右,所以需要我们重新编写函数读取。

那么首先我们先重新设定最大的缓冲区大小(也就是刚才的 32,767):

TCHAR buffer[32767] = { 0 };
auto profileSize = GetPrivateProfileSection(appName, buffer, std::size(buffer), filePath);

之后则需要用一个我之前几乎没有用过的 string_view。C++17 中我们可以使用 std::string_view 来获取一个字符串的视图,字符串视图并不真正的创建或者拷贝字符串,而只是拥有一个字符串的查看功能。std::string_viewstd::string 的性能要高很多,因为每个 std::string 都独自拥有一份字符串的拷贝,而 std::string_view 只是记录了自己对应的字符串的指针和偏移位置,当我们在只是查看字符串的函数中可以直接使用 std::string_view 来代替。

读取出来的 buffer 字符串则是以下面形式排列:

name1 = value1 \0 name2 = value2 \0 name3 = value3 \0 ... nameN = valueN \0\0

这里我的算法是用左右双指针寻找 =\0,以此类推直至读取到 profileSize

size_t left = 0;
size_t right = sv.find(L'=', left);
if (right == std::wstring_view::npos)
right = profileSize;

std::wstring_view key = sv.substr(left, right - left);

左指针归零,右指针先找到 =。此时观察可以发现左右指针已经可以把 name1 读取出来了:

name1 = value1 \0 name2 = value2 \0 name3 = value3 \0 ...
^ ^
l r

接着左指针移到右指针(也就是 = 所在位置)后面一位,右指针找到 \0。此时观察可以发现左右指针又可以把 value1 读取出来了:

name1 = value1 \0 name2 = value2 \0 name3 = value3 \0 ...
^ ^
l r


std::map<CString, CString> Utility::readPrivateProfile(CString appName, CString filePath)
TCHAR buffer[32767] = { 0 };
auto profileSize = GetPrivateProfileSection(appName, buffer, std::size(buffer), filePath);
std::wstring_view sv{ buffer, profileSize };

size_t left = 0;
std::map<CString, CString> ret;
while (left < profileSize)
size_t right = sv.find(L'=', left);
if (right == std::wstring_view::npos)
right = profileSize;

std::wstring_view key = sv.substr(left, right - left);

left = right + 1;
right = sv.find(L'\0', left);
if (right == std::wstring_view::npos)
right = profileSize;

std::wstring_view value = sv.substr(left, right - left);
left = right + 1;

if (!key.empty())
ret.emplace(CString(key.data(), key.length()), CString(value.data(), value.length()));

return ret;


在移植的过程中发现序号实体一直没办法添加进去,返回的 eWasOpenForWrite 找了好久,也尝试使用升降读写权限也失败了。后经周工点拨才发现问题所在:

-shared_ptr<XuHaoEntity> pMechXH(new XuHaoEntity(m_MechXHDInfo));
+XuHaoEntity* pMechXH = new XuHaoEntity(m_MechXHDInfo);

AcDbBlockTableRecordPointer pModelSpace(IM_GetModalSpaceId(), AcDb::kForWrite);
if (pModelSpace.openStatus() != eOk) return false;

AcDbObjectId entId = AcDbObjectId::kNull;
-if (pModelSpace->appendAcDbEntity(entId, pMechXH.get()) != Acad::eOk)
+if (pModelSpace->appendAcDbEntity(entId, pMechXH) != Acad::eOk)
return false;

由于智能指针的广泛使用,所以我对内存管理这一块并不够敏感。张帆的那本书曾经提到 ObjectARX 是如何管理内存的:

在操作图形数据库的各种对象时,必须遵守 AutoCAD 的打开和关闭对象的协议。该协议确保当对象被访问时在物理内存中,而未被访问时可以被分页存储在磁盘中。创建和打开数据库的对象之后,必须在不用的时候关闭它。

给初学 ObiectARX 的人两个建议。

  1. 不要忘记各种数据库对象的关闭:在打开或创建数据库对象之后,必须尽可能早地关闭它。在初学者所犯的错误中,未及时关闭对象的错误至少占一半!
  2. 不要使用 delete pLine 的语句:对 C++ 比较熟悉的读者,习惯于配对使用 newdelete 运算符,这在 C++ 编程中是一个良好的编程习惯。但是在ObjectARX 的编程中,当编程者使用 appendAcDbEntity 函数将对象添加到图形数据库之后,就需要由图形数据库来操作该对象。

这里的 shared_ptr<TH_XuHaoEntity> 就是问题关键。当我使用智能指针的时候将 XuHaoEntity 同时托管给 AutoCAD 和系统,这就导致在该段代码的作用域结束时会自动销毁该序号实体,而此时它已经被添加到数据库对象当中!内存泄漏的问题也就此诞生了,倘若此时用 Debug 工具测试会直接崩溃,因为该实体根本无法访问(毕竟已经在内存中被删除了)。

这个问题正好对应了建议二:不要使用 delete pLine 的语句。


天喻的旧图纸中转换时明细表部分需使用文字样式 Standard 的字体、大字体和宽度因子,但创建明细表时字体使用的是 HC_TEXTSTYLE。虽然新建的图纸已经将两者调整为一致,但对于旧图纸而言仍不同步,需要将 Standard 的各项设置到 HC_TEXTSTYLE

AcDbTextStyleTablePointer pTextStyleTable(acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase(), AcDb::kForRead);
if (pTextStyleTable.openStatus() != Acad::eOk) return;

AcDbObjectId standardTextStyleId, hcTextStyleId;
if (pTextStyleTable->getAt(L"STANDARD", standardTextStyleId) != Acad::eOk || pTextStyleTable->getAt(L"HC_TEXTSTYLE", hcTextStyleId) != Acad::eOk)

AcDbTextStyleTableRecordPointer pStandardTextStyleTableRecord(standardTextStyleId, AcDb::kForRead), pHCTextStyleTableRecord(hcTextStyleId, AcDb::kForWrite);
if (pStandardTextStyleTableRecord.openStatus() != Acad::eOk || pHCTextStyleTableRecord.openStatus() != Acad::eOk)

GCHAR* fileName, *bigFontName;




大同方提供的 .shx 字体没办法正常显示 字,并且强烈要求增加该字的插入功能。

时间有限,讨论了一下决定先将 字做成 liao.dwg 文件,然后通过 LISP 代码交互并插入:

(defun liao()
(initget 4)
(if (= (setq height (getreal "\n请指定文字高度<2.5>: ")) nil)
(setq height 2.5)

(setq echo (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(command "insert" "瞭" "S" height "\\" 0)
(setvar "cmdecho" echo)



先前我做交付时会一个一个去编译每个依赖项目,看缺少哪个头文件再加进去,效率很低。后面周工教了如何使用 find 命令去操作文件:

find <file_path> -type f ! -name "*.h" -delete

该命令会将所有非 .h 头文件删除,非常方便。