引言 上一节我们借助 GLFW 为游戏引擎创建窗口事件,今天我们来看一看层堆栈以及我们该如何使用它们。
每当我向人们谈论层次时,我通常最终都将其与类似 Photoshop 这样的东西比较,但显然它不像游戏引擎那样具有交互性,我们可以把其视为 Photoshop 中的一层,拥有一个有序列表(通常情况是栈)。
循环),这种循环不断重复到循环被终止。我们可以视为该层堆栈内的一层,就像可以打开图层一样在 Photoshop 中关闭,然后将其隐藏或禁用就可以了。同样的,只要启用了图层类型,我们就可以在这里进行同样的操作:通过游戏循环,各层将按照其实际顺序进行更新。
层实现 我们新建了 Layer.h
#pragma once #include "Core.h" #include "Events/Event.h" namespace Infinite { class INFINITE_API Layer { public : Layer (const std::string& name = "Layer" ); virtual ~Layer (); virtual void OnAttach () {} virtual void OnDetach () {} virtual void OnUpdate () {} virtual void OnEvent (Event& event) {} inline const std::string& GetName () const { return m_DebugName; } protected : std::string m_DebugName; }; }
除此之外这里还有一个非常重要的功能是禁用层的功能,此功能将在之后实现,我们暂时不想把事情复杂化,当然在您自己实现时需要这个 bool
而在 Layer.cpp
#include "ifnpch.h" #include "Layer.h" namespace Infinite { Layer::Layer (const std::string& debugName) : m_DebugName (debugName) { } Layer::~Layer () { } }
堆栈实现 堆栈实现要稍微复杂一点,LayerStack.h
我们使用向量 vector
#pragma once #include "Core.h" #include "Layer.h" #include <vector> namespace Infinite { class INFINITE_API LayerStack { public : LayerStack (); ~LayerStack (); void PushLayer (Layer* layer) ; void PushOverlay (Layer* layer) ; void PopLayer (Layer* layer) ; void PopOverlay (Layer* layer) ; std::vector<Layer*>::iterator begin () { return m_Layers.begin (); } std::vector<Layer*>::iterator end () { return m_Layers.end (); } private : std::vector<Layer*> m_Layers; std::vector<Layer*>::iterator m_LayerInsert; }; }
使用 vector
接下来我们来看 LayerStack.spp
#include "ifnpch.h" #include "LayerStack.h" namespace Infinite { LayerStack::LayerStack () { m_LayerInsert = m_Layers.begin (); } LayerStack::~LayerStack () { for (Layer* layer : m_Layers) delete layer; } void LayerStack::PushLayer (Layer* layer) { m_LayerInsert = m_Layers.emplace (m_LayerInsert,layer); } void LayerStack::PushOverlay (Layer* overlay) { m_Layers.emplace_back (overlay); } void LayerStack::PopLayer (Layer* layer) { auto it = std::find (m_Layers.begin (),m_Layers.end (),layer); if (it != m_Layers.end ()) { m_Layers.erase (it); m_LayerInsert--; } } void LayerStack::PopOverlay (Layer* overlay) { auto it = std::find (m_Layers.begin (),m_Layers.end (),overlay); if (it != m_Layers.end ()) m_Layers.erase (it); } }
有趣的是我们弹出层时不会丢失它们,只有析构函数中调用 delete
才会销毁。应用程序拥有堆栈,基本的运行方式为将 Layer 分配给堆栈;当应用程序关闭时将被取消分配。
回到 Application.h
#pragma once #include "Core.h" +#include "Window.h" +#include "LayerStack.h" +#include "Events/Event.h" #include "Events/ApplicationEvent.h" namespace Infinite { class INFINITE_API Application { public: Application(); virtual ~Application(); void Run(); void OnEvent(Event& e); + void PushLayer(Layer* layer); + void PushOverlay(Layer* layer); private: bool OnWindowClose(WindowCloseEvent& e); std::unique_ptr<Window> m_Window; bool m_Running = true; + LayerStack m_LayerStack; }; //To be define in CLIENT Application* CreateApplication(); }
#include "ifnpch.h" #include "Application.h" #include "Events/ApplicationEvent.h" #include "Log.h" #include <GLFW/glfw3.h> namespace Infinite { #define BIND_EVENT_FN(x) std::bind(&Application::x, this, std::placeholders::_1) Application::Application() { m_Window = std::unique_ptr<Window>(Window::Create()); m_Window->SetEventCallback(BIND_EVENT_FN(OnEvent)); } Application::~Application() {} + void Application::PushLayer(Layer* layer) + { + m_LayerStack.PushLayer(layer); + } + void Application::PushOverlay(Layer* layer) + { + m_LayerStack.PushOverlay(layer); + } void Application::OnEvent(Event& e) { EventDispatcher dispatcher(e); dispatcher.Dispatch<WindowCloseEvent>(BIND_EVENT_FN(OnWindowClose)); + for (auto it = m_LayerStack.end(); it != m_LayerStack.begin();) + { + (*--it)->OnEvent(e); + if (e.Handled) + break; + } } void Application::Run() { while (m_Running) { glClearColor(1, 0, 1, 1); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); + for (Layer* layer : m_LayerStack) + layer->OnUpdate(); m_Window->OnUpdate(); } } bool Application::OnWindowClose(WindowCloseEvent& e) { m_Running = false; return true; } }
预生成文件 workspace "Infinite" architecture "x64" startproject "Sandbox" configurations { "Debug", "Release", "Dist" } outputdir = "%{cfg.buildcfg}-%{cfg.system}-%{cfg.architecture}" -- Include directories relative to root folder (solution directory) IncludeDir = {} IncludeDir["GLFW"] = "Infinite/vendor/GLFW/include" include "Infinite/vendor/GLFW" project "Infinite" location "Infinite" kind "SharedLib" language "C++" targetdir ("bin/" .. outputdir .. "/%{prj.name}") objdir ("bin-int/" .. outputdir .. "/%{prj.name}") pchheader "ifnpch.h" pchsource "Infinite/src/ifnpch.cpp" files { "%{prj.name}/src/**.h", "%{prj.name}/src/**.cpp" } includedirs { "%{prj.name}/src", "%{prj.name}/vendor/spdlog/include", "%{IncludeDir.GLFW}" } links { "GLFW", "opengl32.lib" } filter "system:windows" cppdialect "C++17" staticruntime "On" systemversion "latest" defines { "IFN_PLATFORM_WINDOWS", "IFN_BUILD_DLL" } postbuildcommands { ("{COPY} %{cfg.buildtarget.relpath} ../bin/" .. outputdir .. "/Sandbox") } filter "configurations:Debug" defines "IFN_DEBUG" + buildoptions "/MDd" symbols "On" filter "configurations:Release" defines "IFN_RELEASE" + buildoptions "/MD" optimize "On" filter "configurations:Dist" defines "IFN_DIST" + buildoptions "/MD" optimize "On" project "Sandbox" location "Sandbox" kind "ConsoleApp" language "C++" targetdir ("bin/" .. outputdir .. "/%{prj.name}") objdir ("bin-int/" .. outputdir .. "/%{prj.name}") files { "%{prj.name}/src/**.h", "%{prj.name}/src/**.cpp" } includedirs { "Infinite/vendor/spdlog/include", "Infinite/src/Infinite", "Infinite/src/Events" } links { "Infinite" } filter "system:windows" cppdialect "C++17" staticruntime "On" systemversion "latest" defines { "IFN_PLATFORM_WINDOWS" } filter "configurations:Debug" defines "IFN_DEBUG" buildoptions "/MDd" symbols "On" filter "configurations:Release" defines "IFN_RELEASE" buildoptions "/MD" optimize "On" filter "configurations:Dist" defines "IFN_DIST" buildoptions "/MD" optimize "On"
我们需要确保构建的动态链接库链接到实际的 dll。在 VisualStudio 中的 C++ 代码生成中的运行库默认设置多线程调试:
沙盒应用 最后我们在沙盒 Sandbox.cpp
中创建一个示例层 ExampleLayer
#include <Infinite.h> +class ExampleLayer : public Infinite::Layer +{ +public: + ExampleLayer() + : Layer("Example") + { + + } void OnUpdate() override { + IFN_INFO("ExampleLayer::Update"); } void OnEvent(Infinite::Event& event) override { IFN_TRACE("{0}",event); } }; class Sandbox : public Infinite::Application { public: Sandbox() { + PushLayer(new ExampleLayer()); } ~Sandbox() {} }; Infinite::Application* Infinite::CreateApplication() { return new Sandbox(); }